My garden
One of my most favorite things about living in the country is that I have room to grow the foods we love the most! I love all of the fresh veggies that we have in the summer months. This year we planted red bell peppers (the girls like them better than green and I can't blame them!). Inadvertantly, I think I've finally figured out how to grow big, thick, firm green bell peppers like the kind you buy in the store, not those wimpy, small home-grown looking kind. You plant red bell pepper plants and because the peppers never actually turn red, no matter how long you leave them on the vine, you pick them green! Genius! Sorry girls. :-) We also thought we would out-smart our eggplant by planting only one. How many eggplants could one measly plant produce? Around 5 per day, that's how many! The question has become, how much eggplant can two measly people (the only veggie I have found that the girls won't touch!) possibly eat? We have eggplant sandwiches (a real fave!), crusty eggplant (more commonly called eggplant parm.), pasta with grilled eggplant, skewered eggplant with chicken and veggies....I need ideas people!! Finally, we have tomatoes. Oh man, do we have tomatoes! We planted a little later than we should have and we're just getting into the thick of tomato production. We have cherry tomatoes (Lauren's favorite thing to pick....and eat), Romas, and Beefsteak. When it comes to the tomatoes, I say we plant maybe one or two plants....however, the farmer in my husband breaks out the rototiller, pulls rows, sets up a trellis to hold up the plants as they grow. Thus, we have 6 tomato plants and about 150 tomatoes to pick every day. OK, that may be a bit of an exaggeration.
We had eggplant sandwiches for dinner last night....again! :-)