
It's that time again...

...where I revert to an eight year old. A few days ago, it was my half-birthday! My mother-in-law remembered (because she always does) and bought me the most fabulous gift!!
It's a chicken topiary! :) We went to the BC Garden Fest earlier this year and there was a vendor selling these. Her husband makes the "forms" from what looks like plastic coated chicken wire. There were humming birds, life-sized golfers and football players and just about everything in between! We all fell in love with them and I actually bought my mom a turtle for her birthday and she adores it. I admired the chicken, but wouldn't spend the money on one for myself. I was completely surprised when my my mother in law pulled it out of her trunk the other day and gave it to me! Man, I love that woman! Just ask my friends....they get real annoyed that I don't have any MIL complaints! She is the best....and not just because she completely spoils me (although she really does)! :)
The front view....
And I just so happen to be babysitting the turtle because my parents will be gone much of the summer. The plant that came with this one was much smaller, but the woman did say that it should be mostly filled in by the end of summer.
Now if I could just figure out a way to make these, my yard would be just like "It's a Small World"....only without the annoying music! ;)

Also, it should be noted that my husband did remember this year and sent me a text in the morning that said, "Happy half birthday. Because apparently that's a holiday now." heehee I think he's finally getting on board with this and frankly, it's about time. ;)


Meet Butter

A few weeks ago, we discovered two new kittens. What we didn't know was that their mother(and there is still some disagreement as to who the mother actually is) was refusing to feed them. That is, we didn't know until Jake stepped out of the back door and saw this.

Poor, dear Jasmine. She knows better than to be mean to kittens and she knew Jake was standing there so she dared not move. But look at that expression on her face! I can just imagine what is going through her head....and it makes me laugh every single time I look at this picture.

Much to Jasmine's relief, the girls and I took over feeding the kittens. I fed them milk every few hours for several days. We even took them to the beach with us....and they took a turn for the worse while we were there necessitating a trip to Cayucos Market where I spent $14 on a bottle of infant Motrin because I needed a small dropper (I washed all the medicine down the drain which sort of killed me!) and a bottle of Pedialite because they were dehydrated. Oye. Unfortunately, the smaller, weaker kitten never quite recovered and now we are left with one. Emma named her Butter. Don't ask me. I'm just relieved we have moved past the hourly feedings and now Emma can go out 3 times/day and give her a bit of cat food.

And for her trouble, Jasmine is allowed to eat the leftovers. But she likes to sit and look the other way and pretend she's not waiting for the leftovers. Every so often, she glance at me out of the corner of her eye, but never turns her head.
That dog kills me. I love her.

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