* I ate a lot! I laughed when Pam and Drennan went over the list of restaurants that we had to eat at while I was there with them. I couldn't believe we could possibly get to them all in just one week....alas, we did! I think my favorite was this little cafe in the town Drennan lives in. It's run by this "cult" of sorts....think Amish hippies. They grow all the food they serve and everyone, including the children, help run their restaurants. I still dream about the food. Yum!
* I drank a lot of coffee! Yay for being able to just stop and get a cup of coffee whenever we wanted. It's the little things, people!
* I read a lot!! I actually started and finished three entire books during that week! Three!! Can you even imagine?! This is what life without cleaning, cooking and laundry looks like. It was divine!
* I took my sweet time in several different fabric stores and a book store! I didn't have to tell anyone to stop touching anything and no one whined that they were bored. :)
* I laughed...a lot! Just look at the picture below....
* I became addicted to Glee. Love it!
* I did miss Jake and the girls, but I was not a big inconsolable mess by the end of the week like I had thought I would be. Yes, I was ready to come home after 8 days of being away...but I wasn't ready to come home after 2 days, if that makes sense. I really had feared that I wouldn't be able to enjoy the trip at all because I would be so homesick. I was quite delighted to discover that was not the case! I think I needed the break more than I had realized and it ended up being the perfect way to close the school year and start the summer. And I came home so refreshed and ready to jump right into all of our summer activities.