

We decided today was a nice day for carving pumpkins. We grew these {and several others....although not as many as last year} ourselves. Translated: 20+ pumpkins cost us about 10 cents.
I about choke when I see what pumpkin patches charge for one measly pumpkin. I think we're in the wrong business!!
Gutting the pumpkins was both girls' favorite part. Or not.
Lauren with her Jack-O-Lantern.
Isn't this the most attractive picture you've ever seen someone post of themselves on their blog? Whatever. I'm going to the gym later. Probably.

Emma and Paige.

Lauren's, Emma's, mine.
We're a creative bunch, no? :)
{In my defense, I don't have one of those fancy pumpkin carving knives so I had to make do with my Cutco paring knife. I'm just glad - and somewhat amazed - that I didn't lose a finger...or three.}


What I Wore Wednesday {Week 3}

Thursday: New tires at Costco! Oh joy! ;)
  • Black Sweater: Gap Outlet {recently}
  • Purple Cami: Old Navy
  • Levi's: Costco {recently}
  • Zebra Print Flats: Target {Spring}
  • Necklace {that you can't even see!}: Lisa Leonard
  • Silver Flower Ring {that you also can't see!}: Hume gift shop {recently}

    Friday: Em's follow up appointment with the neurologist at Valley Children's. It went great and we don't go back for 6 months as long as she doesn't have another seizure! Praise the Lord!

  • Top {or inappropriately short dress??}: Old Navy {yeeeeeears ago!}
  • Sweater: TJ Maxx
  • Levi's: Costco {told you I would wear them all.the.time.}
  • Yellow Flats: Target {on clearance, recently}
  • Necklace: Lisa Leonard
  • Yellow Flower Ring: Hume gift shop {recently}

Saturday: Pre-season Condors {Hockey} Game! We're all just a wee bit excited that hockey season is back!

  • Sweater: Gap Outlet {recently}
  • Tank: Gap Outlet {recently}
  • Trouser Jeans: Gap {yeeeears ago!}
  • Flats: Target {Spring}
  • Braided Fabric Necklace: Made by Me {Too bad you can't see it! blerg}
Sunday: Missionfest at church
  • Purple Dress: Gap Outlet {recently}
  • Leggings: Target
  • Sandals: Banana Republic Outlet {yeeears ago}
  • Necklace: Lisa Leonard
  • Bracelets: Birthday gift from a friend

Monday: First day of Living History Camp for Emma. Lauren and I had dentist appointments. I could write a whole post about how much we love our dentist, but I'll spare you. Suffice it to say, Lauren could hardly sleep she was so excited about going and we both had cleanings and were still out of the office 30 minutes after our appointment time. I know. You're jealous.

  • Dress: Gap {on clearance this summer}
  • Sweater: TJ Maxx
  • Flip Flops: Target {couple of summers ago}
  • Necklace: Lisa Leonard

Tuesday: Second day of Living History Camp.

  • Top: Gap Outlet
  • Jeans: You guessed it!! ;)
  • Flip Flops: Old Navy
  • Headband: Made by me!
  • Necklace: Lisa Leonard

    Thanks for humoring me and leaving sweet comments, even though this is a wee bit crazy. :) I'm linking up with Lindsey over at The Pleated Poppy! Won't you join us?


What I Wore Wednesday {Week 2}

I only have 3 pictures this week because I was at a women's retreat at Hume Lake for 3 days {yipee!}. And if I'm being completely honest, I didn't get dressed on Monday. I was tired and didn't feel great. I don't think anyone needs a picture of that! You're welcome.
Last Wednesday....Enrichment classes for the girls.
Sundress: Gap outlet...couple of years ago.
Sandals: Gap....couple of years ago.
Only in Kern County could I have worn this dress on Wednesday {and sweat to death in it} and then, less than one week later..... ...it's cold and raining! This was Tuesday and I took dinner to our piano teacher who just had a sweet baby boy. I'll be honest, I would have worn yoga pants all day this day if not for the fact that I knew I only had 3 pictures for this week and I didn't one of them to be of me in that outfit! :)
Jeans: Levi's from Costco...these are my new favorites and you will be seeing them a lot! Super comfortable! I just bought them last week so, if you hurry....
Top: Gap outlet....$3 on Friday {we always stop and shop at the outlets on our way to Hume and the Gap outlet was a hit this year! LOTS of clearance and we had coupons! :)}
{Mr. Rogers} Sweater: Target....$12 on the clearance rack, recently.
Flats: Target....$10 in the spring.
Necklace: Lisa Leonard

Today! Enrichment classes for the girls.

Jeans: Gap in SLO....$8 last year. I wear them way too much and they really need to be retired. They used to be dark blue. But, I love them so! ;)

Top: Gap outlet....$4 on Friday!
Same {Mr. Rogers} Sweater as yesterday!

Black flats: Target....$10 in the spring.

Necklace: Lisa Leonard

Yellow, leather flower ring: Hume gift shop....$6! Love!

Close-up of the braiding detail on the shirt and my ring!
I'm linking up with Lindsey again!
Until next week....

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