
We made a trip to Insect Lore a few weeks back to purchase a cupful of adult ladybugs.......

because the girls spend hours playing with them, talking to them, pulling them out of each other's hair, naming them and enjoying every minute they can with them before the ladybugs fly away.

We also bought ladybug larvae and a habitat for them. The girls watched them transform into pink adult ladybugs and then we released them. Well, first we played with them for an afternoon! Who knew there was even such a thing as pink ladybugs??

That is a pink ladybug on the tip of Emma's finger....

and another on Lauren's shorts. Notice the coordination of the ladybug, band-aid and tennis shoes? We totally planned that! :-)

We also bought butterfly larvae which turned into beautiful Painted Lady butterflies, right in our living room! Amazing!


Pajama Dren said...

The girls are so, so cute. Tell them I love them and that I LOVE all the pink coordination!

Sunny said...

I had never heard of pink ladybugs either. I'm glad the girls are enjoying them!

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