Without further ado, I give you the "before".....
That metal square under the medicine cabinet was a fancy, revolving door which housed toothbrushes. And check out those cabinet doors! I hope I'm not causing anyone to stumble through envy. Ahem.
In case you couldn't tell, our house was built post-WWII. They were big into tile. And hideous color schemes. Our other bathroom is a not-so-lovely combination of baby blue and pale yellow. And I'll never forget a house we almost bought, also built in the late 40's....one of the bathrooms had black and bright yellow tile. I kept thinking, "Oh no! I'm gonna have to have a bumblebee-themed bathroom!" So, I guess things could be worse.
Don't ask me what that completely tiled nook just above the toilet paper dispenser is supposed to be for. I put a box of kleenex in it. When we bought the house, my MIL joked that we could keep our statue of the virgin Mary in it.
By the way, we don't actually have a statue of the virgin Mary. The real reason we had to remodel this bathroom is because of the shower. According to the husband, ugly tile is not a sufficient reason for gutting a bathroom. Hmm. Anyway, the shower pan was cracked and therefore, leaked.
What really kills me (and our other bathroom is the same) is that light switch. Why, oh why, didn't they just raise it another inch!? No, it makes much more sense to cut all that tile to go around it! And the light switch plate that was on there didn't even fit in that spot! They had to cut the bottom off to make it fit. Brilliant.
to be continued.....
I've always wanted to say that.
WAIT A COTTON-PICKIN MINUTE!!! You gave us the before with NO AFTER!!!!! =P You're like a TV show...leave us in PURE suspense! HAHA!
I wanna have my own bathroom remodel. *sigh* Someday! I love your new bathroom. I like that nook. Hey, it IS a handy place to keep tissues. And I never noticed the light switch and the tile around it. LOL. Wow...
You may want to throttle me for this, but I actually like the 1950s, crazy-colored tile look. I'd have fun with black and yellow in the bathroom!
Of course, I've seen the "after" in real life, and I know that it's just beautiful!
oh my goodness Cheri, you are too funny... but that light switch is truly ridiculous. And I had to laugh about the VM statue. My grandpa once gave us a VM nightlight. yeah, that got a lot of use!
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